Room for improvement

Published Oct 20, 2018


Summer holiday season is coming up, and that means house guests for many readers. We asked experts for advice and tips to set up a comfortable and appealing guestroom.


Our guestroom overlooks a beautiful forested area. We don’t want to cover the windows. I’m pretty sure guests who are not early risers won’t appreciate that, even though the morning sun doesn’t directly hit that side of the house. Friends have suggested make-shift curtains. Have you got any better suggestions?


Guests won’t appreciate the rays of dawn sunshine hitting their faces when they want to sleep. Although not cheap, do consider installing blinds that fold up compactly at the top of the window. That way you would only use them when a guest is there. Or, you could put up a slim curtain rod and hang fabric panels when a guest is in residence.


We have a small television set in our master bedroom. Should I transfer it to the guest room when we have visitors? My husband baulks at the transfer because he falls asleep with the set on.


Definitely not. I would say your guests are there to relax. They can read a book before sleeping. Leave current magazines on the bedside table.


How many pillows should I provide on the bed for my guests?


Some people hate it when there is a mountain of pillows on a bed. There is often little space to put them when you sleep. Sometimes hosts put four full-size pillows on a bed and maybe one smaller pillow. You can mix and match.


Our guestroom is a spare room, and we are not organised. It’s supposed to be an office one day, but the entire house needs a make-over. What’s your best decluttering recommendation?


Any chance you could install under-bed boxes to keep stuff out of sight? A few filing cabinets could hold office items and serve as nightstands. Do the best you can and, if possible, don’t have cardboard boxes visible in there. Maybe hide them under a skirted table?


Sometimes when I’m a house guest, the temperature of the room I’m in is less than comfortable. I struggle with how to bring this to the attention of the homeowner. In

an ideal world, the host would ask about my comfort the next morning. But if they don’t, and I was too hot or too cold, is it terribly rude to raise the issue?


As a host, I would want to know if my guest was too hot or too cold. However, some people would say you should be grateful to have a nice room in which to sleep. It’s a

good idea for hosts to provide extra blankets in the cupboard and a portable fan so guests could come to the rescue themselves. I think at a close friend’s home, you should mention if you are really uncomfortable.

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