HANDY MAC: Best for your budget

Published Jun 23, 2019


Before jumping into a home improvement

project, ask yourself these questions:


How much will this cost, and how much

value will this add to my home?

For those answers, you

will need to talk to a contractor regarding costs, and an

estate agent to find out if it is worthwhile forking out a

huge sum of money to upgrade your home if you won’t

get it back on resale.


During a renovation you will be inconvenienced. There is no way around this. Consider how

you will manage without the facilities in the room being

renovated, the time of year and how uncomfortable

you may be during construction. Consider moving

out during renovation if you can. If not, plan ahead to

ensure the discomfort is minimal.


During the planning, interview many

contractors and ask for costs. Check out their communication style. Does it work well with your communication

style, or will you find yourself getting irritated by it? If

so, maybe this contractor is not for you. Also ask about

insurance and get as many references as you can. Most

importantly: Ensure all contractors are accredited.


If you have your home’s original plans, plus

plans that include home improvements and additions

over the years, offer them to the contractor. This can

really simplify the job.


Before starting any work that will

impact your finances, ensure you have a contract in



Ask for itemised billing as opposed to a lump

sum fee. This way you can keep a handle on how your

money is being spent.


Never pay in full or upfront. Any contractor

who requires this is probably scamming you.


Be realistic about how much you can do yourself

and when you need to call in professionals. Many a

DIY job has required extra money to sort out what you

further broke.

Q and A

You will need a deep, clean surface for the new grout to bond to. Picture: Pedro Sandrini

Elizabeth wants to re-grout:


My engineer husband has nicknamed me “scope creep” as no

sooner has he completed a domestic

project than I come along and suggest

some “minor” changes here and there.

My query relates to the colour of

our tile grouting: I originally selected

light grey, but now that the bathroom

is completed, I would rather have beige.

What is the best, cheapest, easiest and

most durable solution?


I tend to see some similarity

here to the relationship between

myself and Mrs Mac.

Re-grouting needs to be done

properly. I have written about this


Warning – this is a labour-intensive process which could lead to

loss of leisure or drinking time, not

to mention hours of cleaning.

The overseas market seems to

have a tool for everything, including

re-grouting, but I would simply use

an old screwdriver. A power grinder

will take less time than doing the job

by hand – I would suggest a small

cordless power tool, like a Dremel.

Obviously, the first thing to do

is to remove the existing grout.


are not talking about scraping bits

out – we are talking about getting

all the grout out. The wall needs to

resemble a newly tiled surface where

there is nothing between the tiles.

You need a deep, clean surface for

the new grout to bond to. A quick

scratch and a bit of new grout is going

to look worse than what you have at

the moment.

Always start in the middle of the

joint and work towards the tile edges,

being careful not to chip the edges

of the tile.

Once all the grout is out, wipe

down the walls to remove any dust

or dirt on the tiles – you don’t want

dirty old grout mixed in with the


A word of warning before starting your re-grouting: If you are not

dealing with a glazed tile, ensure that

you seal the tile first. Porous tiles will

absorb the new grout and leave a

terrible result.


Rodney from Rodney Beck

Construction has sent me

these tips on ceiling insulation:

Compare the “R” values for

products of a similar thickness.

This is its resistance to heat

flow. The higher the R-value,

the better it is at insulating and

improving energy efficiency.

The blanket type of insulation

is relatively simple to lay when

done simultaneously with the

installation of a new ceiling.

But it is difficult to achieve

100% coverage due to

obstructions in the roof space.

Retrofitting it is difficult as you

have to work in a limited space

and in and around things like

pipes and wires.

Cellulose insulation is pumped

into the space and, therefore,

requires little to no walking

within the roof space. It’s

perfect for roofs with a low

pitch and it gets into every

nook and cranny.

Recessed down lighters

generate heat. Don’t forget to

protect the insulation.

*Please keep your questions

or comments coming to

[email protected] or

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