Feedback: Don't ditch passions when retired

Published Sep 22, 2018


The other day I received a call from Dee, who asked me to pop in at her home and advise if I thought she could convert her existing art studio into an Airbnb. I love trying to help people, but I feel guilty if I have to give negative answers.

Luckily Dee was only at the planning and asking questions stage. All too often we rush in without doing the proper homework. As I always try to bring across in the column, achieving what we want to do revolves around getting the planning, preliminary and preparatory work right.

In Dee’s case she probably has the space to convert her studio into a guest room or cottage, but whether it will be allowed in terms of building by-laws is the first question she needs to answer. Then she would need to get a water supply and sewerage system, which is all on the other side of the main house. It can certainly be done, but at what cost?

Is she going to be able to offer her guests parking? Probably the most important consideration is: does she really want to retire and give up her passion for art, which keeps her going and ensures she doesn’t sit around getting morbid because she is bored or isn’t using those special skills we all have in one form or another?

*Handy Mac, aka Don MacAlister, is our expert on household DIY issues. If you have a question for him, please send it to [email protected] or SMS only to 082 446 3859. Find Don on FB:

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