Electricity: bright ideas on how to save

Published Jun 30, 2019


With new electricity rates

set to kick in on July 1,

and with the prospect of

more load-shedding always on the

horizon, now is a perfect time for

consumers to improve their knowledge of how electricity costs work,

and how to save energy and money.

“The price of municipal electricity is about to increase by 13%

to 16%, and consumers are going

to be hit hard,” says Citiq Prepaid

managing director Michael Franze.

“Understanding how electricity tariffs work is the first step towards

taking charge of your spending.

“Unfortunately, the exact details

of how any particular electricity bill

is calculated can be so complex

it’s difficult for even experts to


Franze says the long-term solution is for Eskom, municipalities

and the National Energy Regulator

to design simpler consumer tariffs.

But in the meantime, there are

three basic pieces of information

that can help consumers to make

sense of their electricity bills.

Franze breaks it down for us


1 Your charges will vary depending

on where you live.

If you get your

power directly from Eskom, for

example, you will be charged

according to a different system

than if you get your electricity from

a municipality.

And each municipality has its own system. In Cape

Town people with homes valued at

over R1 million pay a basic home

user charge that covers the cost

of keeping them connected, no

matter how much power they use;

some municipalities like Ekurhuleni have different tariff systems

depending on how much a household uses in a month; and different municipalities charge different

rates for a unit of electricity.

So it’s

important to check what your own

municipal system is.

2 It’s helpful to understand the

incline block tariff (IBT) system.

“Basically, this means that the more

electricity you buy in a month, the

more you pay. In the case of prepaid customers, it has nothing to

do with how much you actually use

– the cost is purely based on how

much you buy.

This means that

electricity is one of the rare cases

where it’s really not a good idea to

buy in bulk. Rather buy from week

to week, or buy just enough at the

beginning of each month to keep

you going. It’s cheaper to top up

with a few units at the end of each

month than to buy enough to last

you for two months.”

3 Consumers should understand

exactly what they’re getting when

they buy a unit of electricity.


terms can be confusing, but when

you break it down it’s actually

quite simple,” says Franze.


amount of power any appliance

uses, also called its power rating, is

measured in watts (W), and this is

always marked on the packaging or

somewhere on the appliance. So an

energy-saving lightbulb might use

20W and an iron would be around

1 000W or 1 kiloWatt (kW), for


A unit of energy, which

is measured in kiloWatt hours

(kWh), is just the amount you

need to run a 1kW appliance like

an iron for one hour. So your

unit will last a long time if you’re

using appliances with a low power

rating, or get used up really fast if

you’re using more power-hungry


A good general rule is

that the more heat an appliance

generates, the more power it uses.”

Franze says this means there are

two ways to save electricity:


appliances with a lower power rating. If you leave a 100W traditional light bulb on for a whole

week, which is 168 hours, you’ll

use nearly 17 units of electricity.

If a unit costs 150c, then it works

out to about R25.50 to keep that

one light bulb burning for a week.

If you change to a 4W LED energy

saver bulb, you’ll use just over 0.6

units in the same week, and spend

about 1c a saving of R24.”

The second way to save is to use

each appliance for fewer hours.

“Fridges, freezers and alarm systems are the only things in most

houses that need to be on all the

time,” says Franze.

“With everything else, the less you use the

more you’ll save. Switching things

like TVs and DVD players off at the

wall when you’re not using them is

one of the easiest ways to save.

“Once you’ve switched off

appliances that stay in standby

mode, look at the things which

use most power: stoves, ovens, geysers, kettles, irons and heaters. For

example, even the most efficient

wall panel heater uses 400W an

hour, which is nearly R2.50 a day

if you use it for four hours.

A two-bar infra-red heater will cost twice

as much. Drawing the curtains to

keep the heat in, and putting on

a jersey instead of turning on the

heater, could potentially save hundreds of rands a year.”

In the same way, says Franze,

consumers should find ways to use

ovens and stoves more efficiently.

“A wonder box for cooking grains,

rice, potatoes, beans and other

dishes that need slow cooking saves

on electricity. There are many

other ways to save electricity, and

we should all start becoming more

familiar with them. For our wallets

and for the planet, we need to start

using energy more efficiently.”

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