Don’t consider a tenant without knowing everything about them

Published Apr 7, 2019


There a strong case for using letting

agents if you want to rent out your


But there’s an equally strong case

for doing it on your own, and

earning the fee an agent would earn

if they did it on your behalf.

You must be cautious during every step

of the process, however. My own

experience of letting out my house in

Westdene, Joburg, is that when looking

for a tenant, you simply can’t judge a

book by its cover.

The fun part is loading flattering

pictures of your space online on free ad

posts. And there’s a definite buzz

when you see responses coming in

from people who like what you are

offering. But now begins the real work.

The reality is that if you’re going

to be your own agent, you need to

acquire the fact-finding skills of a seasoned

agent, who is quick to surmise

whether or not the applicant is a serious

contender. So in between showing

off your space, you need to subtly



where the applicant is living;


why they’re moving out;


if they’ll be living alone or with



if they have pets;


whether they smoke;


where they work and what they

do and


how much money they are

earning (which should be at least

two thirds more than the rent).

I’ve needed some skill sharpening

in this department in the past because

I’m easily charmed and persuaded, and

I’ve often found myself driving away

from an hour of pleasant chatter with

none of the answers to these questions

answered, only to discover later that

the chat was just that, with no intention

by the applicant to follow up.

People’s circumstances and lifestyles

are hugely varied, so you also

need to have some idea of who you’re

looking for: a student, single professional,

couple or family? Still, you

cannot guarantee how tenants will

behave once in your property. I once

had a family unit – grandmother, couple

and two children – who seemed a

perfect fit, but unbeknown to me they

then moved in five dogs, three cats and

a leguaan that lived in a glass enclosure

on the kitchen shelf.

When the family moved out, my garden

was a dust bowl, and it took

well over a month to nurture it back

to acceptable.

Suffice to say, your lease should

tightly cover as many bases as possible,

including any maintenance requirements

(the garden and gutters), number

of pets allowed, length of stay

for visitors, and small but important

details, like how many nails may be

driven into the wall. Once you have

found someone who seems a good

fit and who is interested in applying,

your inquiries have to – of necessity –

become even more prying. Enter the

credit check.

I found the best online credit check

is TPN Credit Bureau, which specialises

in property rentals and charges R95 for

occasional checks (cross-checking with

TPN, TU, Experian and CPA) and scores

the applicant on rent affordability,

credit payment record, and whether

there are any debt reviews, defaults,

notices, disputes or judgments in


Other documents required are

the last three months of bank statements,

which show incomings and

outgoings – important to determine

whether the applicant is receiving

enough to cover rental – and a copy

of their identity document.

Were the process as clear cut as

credit and banking checks, however,

finding a tenant would be easy. The

reality is that most, including myself

possibly, have a less-than-pristine

credit rating, so the next part of the

process should be a more human


In the case of my latest tenant, I

called her current landlord and also

a creditor she pays monthly to verify

that she is a good payer, which holds

more water to my mind.

Time will tell, however, whether

you have a good tenant.

If it turns out you don’t, it’s important

to act swiftly.

Greg Vermaak, senior partner of

Vermaak & Partners and a prominent

name in the field of evictions in

Joburg, offers this advice: “If you end

up with a ‘bandit’ tenant, don’t waste

months on having letters written and

seeking help from the Rental Housing

Tribunal, which is effective if both

parties are honestly trying to resolve

an issue, but not in cases where the

tenant is just playing for time. Rather

see a lawyer and seek a motion to

evict as soon as possible. Just get the

legal process going because it can take


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