Association protects you

Published Sep 29, 2018


This week I attended an executive committee meeting of the Master Builders Association Western Cape, something I am entitled to do as a past president but seldom do as I believe organisations are best served by young blood, not doddery former presidents past their prime.

This time, however, I thought it would be good to catch up, see what is happening in the industry and ensure I am up to date with current trends. It was encouraging to see the committee is fully inclusive across race, creed and gender lines, and that everyone plays a full part – even a representative of a smaller trade, let’s say painting, has the same status and voting rights as a major contractor.

I am glad to report the formal industry remains in good hands, and that not only does the industry try to ensure a level playing field, members are also acutely aware of the need to ensure clients and potential clients are receiving the best possible service across the board.

I cannot cover the entire range of their operations, but they are pushing hard on training, ensuring health and safety standards are maintained, continually reviewing contract documentation to ensure contracts are fair to all parties, and having a team available to respond to complaints about any members.

If you are having building work undertaken, you should consider only members of the association as you can be assured of good service and will have the benefit of knowing all members are registered and compliant in terms of the Building Industrial Bargaining Council. Its motto is: “Build with the best.” For details, see

*Handy Mac, aka Don MacAlister, is our expert on household DIY issues. If you have a question for him, please send it to [email protected] or SMS only to 082 446 3859. Find Don on FB:

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