WATCH: #DeLille says resignation 'just a bend' in her career

Published Oct 31, 2018


Cape Town - Outgoing Cape Town Mayor Patricia de Lille will vacate her office by 5 pm, a move she described as a "bend" in her career but not the end.

De Lille addressed journalists on the steps of the Western Cape High Court on Wednesday where she earlier filed an application to have two Bowmans law firm reports reviewed and set aside.

In one report into corruption and maladministration in the City of Cape Town, De Lille is found complicit in irregularities, while in the second report, she is cleared of wrongdoing. The reports were tabled in council last week.

De Lille vowed to clear her name but said she would take the next two weeks to consult with her family about her next move.

Patricia De Lillle announcing her resignation as Cape Town Mayor and DA member on the steps of the Western Cape High Court. video: Catherine Rice / ANA

Signing her resignation letter on the court steps, she said she was also resigning as a member of the Democratic Alliance.

"When people abuse you, you must walk away. When you have to work with people throwing dirt at you on a daily basis, you walk away".

She said two councillors had also tendered their resignations with immediate effect, and that more would follow. 

African News Agency (ANA)

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