Phiyega should be fired, says Maimane

Democratic Alliance leader Mmusi Maimane addresses the crowd in Marikana. Picture: Val Boje

Democratic Alliance leader Mmusi Maimane addresses the crowd in Marikana. Picture: Val Boje

Published Aug 16, 2015


Democratic Alliance leader Mmusi Maimane has called for the national police commissioner's head.

“Why is Riah Phiyega still in office?” he asked, saying she should be fired.

Maimane was speaking at the third anniversary of the Marikana Massacre where thousands of people have gathered to pay tribute to the 34 striking miners gunned down by police on August 16 2012.

Maimane also called for the former minister of police, Nathi Mthethwa's head, saying he had played a pivotal role in events leading to the massacre.

“It is unlikely that Mthethwa didn't know about the order for people to be killed,” Maimane said.

Maimane said there was a need for a compensation fund for the families of those who were killed and to help the survivors, and suggested that Zuma pay back the money (for upgrades at Nkandla) which could go towards the fund.

EFF leader Julius Malema also took to the podium and received a rousing welcome from the crowd.

He said the matter of those who were killed before August 16 should be treated apart from the miners killed on the day.

Speakers at the event have also criticised the outcome of the Farlam Commission (Marikana Commission of Inquiry), with AMCU president dubbing it “the Farlam Omission Report”.

Pretoria News

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