Who qualifies for a matric supplementary exam?

Matrics who have not met university requirements for their desired course or those who would like to improve their marks can apply to write the second national exam.

Matrics who have not met university requirements for their desired course or those who would like to improve their marks can apply to write the second national exam.

Published Dec 14, 2020


With the 2020 academic year reaching an end and matric exams nearing completion, it's time matrics planning ahead find alternative plan Bs.

While we are aware that this year has been extremely difficult for the Class of 2020 due to loss in contact learning and having to write exams during the Covid-19 pandemic, there is no doubt that some pupils will not get their desired results from the finals.

This could in turn affect their acceptance in a tertiary institution.

But there is always an alternative. Matrics who have not met university requirements for their desired course or those who would like to improve their marks can register to write a second national exam (previously called supplementary exams) in the year immediately after your matric final. You also re-enroll to write at the end of year exams. A second national exam can be written within five years after you completed matric.

Who qualifies to write a second national exam?

  • If you did not pass Grade 12 but need to pass two subjects to obtain your NSC. You can register to retake any number of subjects for your supplementary exam. However, you need to have written these subjects during their final-year exam.
  • If you were medically unfit or had another special reason for being absent for an exam.
  • In the instance of a death in your immediate family, you may register for the supplementary exam.
  • If you provide evidence that you qualify for admission to a higher education institution/occupation but do not satisfy the requirements, or if you are one requirement short in meeting the minimum admission requirements for higher certificate, diploma and bachelor degree programmes, you can register for supplementary exams.
  • In a case where an irregularity is being investigated, provisional enrolment for a supplementary exam may be granted, pending the outcome of the investigation.
  • If you were unable to write or complete one or more of the National Senior Certificate exam question papers for reasons other than illness or injury. The school principal will need to submit a report to the head of the assessment body.

Contact the Department of Education, via your school.

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