Gauteng SGB member suspended for assaulting a learner

A Gauteng school governing body member has been suspended for assaulting a pupil at school. Filed Photo

A Gauteng school governing body member has been suspended for assaulting a pupil at school. Filed Photo

Published Jun 3, 2021


A Gauteng school governing body member has been suspended for assaulting a pupil at school.

A video circulated on social media shows the teenage boy on the floor being kicked in the stomach by the adult male. Several adults including the school principal are also in the room.

According to the Gauteng Education Department, the video is from Fumana High School in Katlehong.

The provincial education spokesperson Steve Mabona said, the boy in the video was identified as Bafana Mhlongo, a grade 8 pupil. While the adult male kicking the school boy is a parent and school governing body member.

According to Mabona the teen boy had allegedly been involved in a number of acts of misconduct at the school.

"Before the incident, he was suspended on the count of allegedly bullying girl learners at the school, harassing them with a knife on a regular basis and other displays of ill-behaviour.

"On the morning of the incident, he was alleged to have chased some girl learners with a knife and threatened to kill them. He was then located by Mr Khumalo (the SGB member) and brought to the principal’s office, along with the girl learners who were harassed in the morning, to be reprimanded for his misconduct and violation of his suspension," said Mabona.

He said the boy allegedly started using foul language and made further displays of bad behaviour.

Khumalo noticed he was in possession of a knife and a scuffle ensued between the two as the SGB member tried to disarm the teen.

"During the pandemonium that ensued, no one was aware that one of the girl learners who was a victim of the teen boy’s bullying was taking a video of the scuffle," said Mabona.

He said an SGB meeting decided that Khumalo be suspended with immediate effect.

"We, as the Gauteng Department of Education, support the suspension of Khumalo as his behaviour was regrettable, and outright unacceptable.

“Despite the ill-discipline of the learner, which was deserving of remedial disciplinary action, Mr Khumalo was supposed to display (better) conduct," said Mabona.