Meagan Adonis, the Blind Goddess, on motherhood and her passion for fashion

Meagan Adonis is a motivational speaker. Picture: Supplied

Meagan Adonis is a motivational speaker. Picture: Supplied

Published Jun 13, 2024


Meagan Adonis, well known as the Blind Goddess, a name synonymous with resilience and empowerment, is more than just a content creator – she's a force for change.

Despite losing her vision at 23, she has become a beacon of inspiration, shattering stereotypes and advocating for inclusivity in the fashion and beauty industries.

She refuses to be defined by her disability.

She describes herself as an African woman with a multitude of roles; daughter, sister, wife, mother, and entrepreneur – she's a trailblazer who wears many hats.

She’s a disability rights activist, a motivational speaker, and a woman and youth advocate, constantly working to create a more equitable world.

Adonis’s journey began with a diagnosis of idiopathic intracranial hypertension, a condition that caused pressure around her brain and ultimately led to blindness.

However, this setback only fuelled her determination.

She champions accessible solutions for vulnerable populations and is a vocal advocate for breaking down barriers and creating spaces where people with disabilities thrive.

Motherhood holds a special place in her life.

“I am a mom who is inspired by her boys. I have an eight-year-old, Jordan and a 15-month-old, Jaydan, who are the greatest blessings of my life and challenge me to be the best version of myself every day.”

She says she approaches parenting with a unique perspective, prioritising patience and creating systems that work for her family.

Through her content, she offers a glimpse into her everyday life, showcasing the challenges and triumphs of being a blind mother.

@meaganadonis Description: Blind mommy feeding baby sunshine some yogurt. Navigating through our growing journey. Remember to be patient and kind to yourself. #disabilityawarenessmonth #SAMA28 #fyp #bondingtime #mydisabiltyisnotainability #momswithdisabilities #blindmom #defyingtheodds ♬ Asian style warm tropical house - Future Oriented Triad

But more importantly, she inspires others to overcome obstacles and embrace their individuality.

When it comes to fashion, Adonis says that her passion for fashion goes beyond aesthetics.

“My passion for fashion developed at a very young age, through my mother introducing us to different fashion styles and being creative in what we wore, embracing our bodies and diversity,” she says.

For her clothes aren’t just garments, they are a way to project her personality and challenge societal norms.

She champions inclusivity in fashion, advocating for design innovation that caters to the needs of the visually impaired.

Even though choosing an outfit for most people is a simple task, for her it requires resourcefulness and a touch of creativity.

“Usually, when I go shopping, I know the colour through those who assist me by identifying the colours, the texture, design and shape of the clothes,” says Adonis.

“When I go into my closet I already know what I have and how to match it, also using colour coding and putting pieces together makes it that much easier, but also I go according to my comfortability which is most important. Fashion is also about comfort.”

But Adonis doesn’t let her limitations define her style.

She believes fashion should be accessible to all, and her message resonates deeply with her followers.

Her partnership with Dove is a testament to her commitment to inclusivity.

Dove’s focus on diversity and beauty for all aligns perfectly with her vision. It's a powerful symbol of breaking down barriers and promoting self-acceptance within the beauty industry.

The Blind Goddess, is a living embodiment of the idea that disability doesn't define ability. She's a role model for many, proving that confidence and creativity can overcome any obstacle.

Through her advocacy, content creation, and unwavering spirit, she's redefining beauty standards and paving the way for a more inclusive future.

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