Nice guys never win: Woman wants to break up with her boyfriend because the sex is ‘terribly boring’

Unhappy woman wants to break up with her boyfriend. Picture: Pexels Alex Green

Unhappy woman wants to break up with her boyfriend. Picture: Pexels Alex Green

Published Jun 21, 2023


A healthy sex life might not be the most important aspect of a healthy relationship but it certainly is an essential part of it.

However, when one person is not sexually satisfied, it can put stress on the relationship.

A 30-year-old woman, who has been with her partner for three years, has taken to Reddit to express her concerns about their relationship – she does not enjoy having sex with him.

“He’s super sweet and what everyone would call the perfect boyfriend. All my friends say how lucky I am to have him and I do agree as I love him a lot,” she writes.

But she does however confess that their sex life is “terrible”.

“I haven’t felt fulfilled in three very long years. I’m into a little kinky and he’s very vanilla. I’ve tried showing him videos of things I like and he will tell me he will for sure try them on me when we have sex but he never does! It’s not like I want wild stuff either,” adds the unsatisfied woman.

Knowing that she is unhappy with their sex life, her boyfriend suggested they have an open relationship.

“I’ve flirted and tried to have sex with others but I never do because I feel guilty even though I was given the ok I just can’t. I wish I could have the whole package great boyfriend and great sex. I’ve been thinking about possibly leaving over this even though everything else is perfect.”

Now she’s asking Reddit users if she’s an a**hole for wanting to leave her boyfriend because of their boring sex life.

“NAH. You simply aren’t sexually compatible. That really sucks. If you’ve already tried clear open communication about what you want, it may be time to move on,” responded one user.

Another commented: “NTAH, but also in the middle of the act you should just tell him what you want on the spot he’ll probably comply and actually like it, I think that part of the relationship is still salvable.”

“It sounds like he has given up. He has suggested an open relationship, so he is telling you to get your needs met elsewhere. I think there is deeper issues then just sex; it’s about communication and hearing each other. You feel unheard because he isn’t trying new things and I bet he feels unheard because you aren’t listening to him tell you he is uncomfortable and you keep trying to push him,” commented another.