Women For Change demands justice for Gcinile Twala after ‘heinous act of revenge porn’

Gcinile Twala. Picture: Instagram

Gcinile Twala. Picture: Instagram

Published May 21, 2024


Women For Change, a non-profit organisation that advocates against gender-based violence in South Africa, has come out in support of Gcinile Twala after an explicit sextape purportedly featuring her was leaked on social media this week.

The non profit accused Twala’s former partner of leaking the sextape on social media.

“Women For Change are deeply appalled and outraged by the sex tape that was allegedly leaked by Themba Selahle, known as ’Grootman’.

“This heinous act of revenge porn is not only a gross violation of privacy but also a deeply traumatising experience for Gcinile Twala.

“We call on law enforcement, policymakers, and community leaders to take a stand against revenge porn and all forms of gender-based violence (GBVF),” the organisation said.

The non profit called on social media users to stop sharing the video and demanded justice for the social media influencer and makeup artist.

“We urge everyone to support Gcinile by refusing to share or further engage with the video. Instead, let us use our collective voice to condemn GBVF and demand justice,” said Women For Change.

— Women For Change (@womenforchange5) May 20, 2024

On Monday Selahle and his ex-fiance were trending on X after the sex tape was leaked.

The couple were engaged in 2022 and have a child together. However, they publicly broke up earlier this month.

Selahle then demanded that Twala return all the gifts which he bought her while they were together, including a diamond engagement ring.

Selahle is known on social media as a forex trader and he is a social media influencer as well.

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