Are you a Scrunchy, Crunchy, or Silky mom? Or perhaps an Almond or Wine mom?

Whatever type of mom you are, there is probably a label for you. Picture: Barbara Olsen/Pexels

Whatever type of mom you are, there is probably a label for you. Picture: Barbara Olsen/Pexels

Published Jul 12, 2023


By now, we are probably all well aware of what a Helicopter Mom is, but did you know that there are many other mom types out there?

That’s right, thanks to social media and platforms like TikTok, us moms not only come in all different shapes and sizes, but we have different labels too.

We can be crunchy or silky, or even competitive or intentional. Heck, we can even be type-A or wear a combination of stickers on our heads.

If you have to choose just one label to proudly wear, which would it be?

1. Crunchy Mom

Picture; Yan Krukau/Pexels

This mom is environmentally, health, and socially conscious. She embraces natural living and fosters strong, positive bonds with her children through this lifestyle. She is not afraid to speak out to protect her children.

If you are a Crunchy Mom, you probably only feed your children organic food and make every meal from scratch. You embrace essential oils and supplements over medication, encourage plastic-free living, favour home-schooling, and probably do not believe in vaccinating your children.

When your children were babies you opted to breastfeed them, use cloth nappies, co-sleep with them, and probably had a natural birth without medication.

2. Silky Mom

Picture: RDNE Stock project/Pexels

This mom-type is the opposite of the Crunchy Mom. Like the name suggests, she just want to make life smoother and easier for herself and her children, regardless of the societal backlash she may receive. She is not opposed to screen time or takeaways, as long as life is convenient and she avoids burnout.

If you are a Silky Mom you are all about modern convenience and probably had a medicated hospital birth, fed your baby both breastmilk and formula, and used disposable nappies. You trust the advice of medical professionals and fully vaccinate your children on schedule.

3. Scrunchy Mom

Picture: Andrea Piacquadio/Pexels

This mom is a combination of the Silky and Crunchy Mom. She picks elements of child-raising patterns from both mom types and uses them in ways that she feels best suits her and her children.

If you are a Scrunchy Mom, you probably follow traditional child birthing and rearing patterns such as giving birth in a hospital and vaccinating your children, but also embrace breastfeeding and using eco-friendly products and eating organic food. You also don’t see any harm in screen time, take aways, or modern medicine.

4. Almond Mom

Picture: Kampus Production/Pexels

This mom is a little bit obsessed with healthy eating and the diet culture. She places a lot of emphasis on her and her daughter’s body images and could be really into fitness regimes.

If you are an Almond Mom you probably have the phrase ‘A moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips’ embedded into your brain. You may have insecurities with your body and project these on to your children. You don’t believe they should be eating for the sake of eating and feel you are protecting your children by ensuring they look good.

5. Fitness Mom

Picture: Andrea Piacquadio/Pexels

This type of mom is usually seen wearing gym or athletics clothes. She wears branded trainers and colour-coordinated gym gear that usually comprises of a crop top or vest and zip-up hoodie.

If you are a Fitness Mom you have no problem wearing your gym clothing to the shops or even to your children’s school events. You may even be carrying this image of having a busy and fit lifestyle purely for the purposes of impressing others.

6. Type-A Mom

Picture: Hawk i i/Pexels

This mom-type is based on her having a Type-A personality. She parents her children according to her personality traits which include being highly organised, competitive, and ambitious.

If you are a Type-A Mom you may be a little uptight and run your children’s daily routines strictly to schedules. You may approach parenting like you are running a business and like to always be in control. You place a lot of emphasis on being independent.

7. Helicopter Mom

Picture: Jonas Mohamadi/Pexels

Probably the most well-known parenting type, the Helicopter Mom pays very close attention to her children’s experiences and problems, particularly their education. She is highly involved in her children’s lives and focuses a lot on their mental and physical health and wellbeing.

If you are a Helicopter Mom you are always following your child around and worry about their safety and what they are doing. You may feel like you are a bad parent if you don’t shadow your children to keep them safe.

8. Intentional Mom

Picture: August De Richelieu/Pexels

An Intentional Mom prioritises her own behaviour when parenting, making sure she is able to connect with her children while also pursuing their own goals. She understands that parenting is a journey and intentionally sets out to make it a positive one.

If you are an Intentional Mom you make it a point to hug your children and are aware of how your every action will impact them. You make sure your children know they can come to you with any problem and use everyday activities, such as shopping or driving, to teach your children something about life.

9. Competitive Mom

Picture: Ivan Samkov/Pexels

This type of mom loves boasting about her children’s achievements as it gives her a sense of accomplishment. She uses these achievements to compare her children with others.

If you are a Competitive Mom you probably believe that your children are more advanced or intelligent than others and want other parents to notice this. Unfortunately, you may have low self-esteem and use your children to feel better about yourself or make other people respect you more.

10. Wine Mom

Picture: RDNE Stock project/Pexels

This mom type is described as being typically upper- middle-class, often with young children, and turns to alcoholic drinks to cope with the stresses of parenting. She likes to take the edge off with a glass of wine or other alcoholic beverage.

If you are a Wine Mom you probably know that this is what you do and are not ashamed to make a joke about it. You feel like you deserve this pleasure as reward for your parenting efforts which leave you exhausted. You may also have other Wine Mom friends.