Drive to inspire children’s food gardens

Published Oct 14, 2023


Durban - Do More Foundation is collaborating with 50 early childhood development (ECD) centres to help 5 000 children across South Africa start sustainable food gardens in celebration of World Food Day on Monday.

In KwaZulu-Natal, beneficiaries include centres in Hammarsdale, Westville, Durban North and Pietermaritzburg.

Partnerships lead of the foundation, Iris Naidoo, said their mission was to support young children by promoting food gardens at early childhood development centres.

“This year, we’re on a mission to create lasting change in the lives of young children by establishing sustainable food gardens at early childhood development centres in need across the country. Seeing the excitement on the children’s faces as they witness the miracle of their own food gardens taking root outweighs any tax write-off and is fulfilling,” said Naidoo.

DMF provides instant Do More porridge to 28 000 children aged 5 years and under in ECD centres across South Africa.

The foundation is also calling on donations from private companies to assist in the project by providing the staff with training and tools to maintain the garden.

“With the generous contribution of corporate partners, we’ll not only provide the centres with nutritious meals, but also teach them the importance of sustainability and self-reliance. Participating companies will receive an S18A certificate for all tax donations,” said Naidoo.

In honour of World Food Day, the foundation will plant veggie gardens, make warm chicken meals and donate JoJo tanks to various centres.

“Employees of corporate contributors are invited to roll up their sleeves and join us on World Food Day to help establish the food garden and hand over the donated water tank. It’s an opportunity for corporate teams to make a tangible impact and foster team spirit,” said Naidoo.

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The Independent on Saturday