'GoT' season 8, episode 2 was full of hijacked conversations and acts of love

Jaime knights Brienne of Tarth in "Game of Thrones" season 8, episode 2. Picture: YouTube/Screengrab

Jaime knights Brienne of Tarth in "Game of Thrones" season 8, episode 2. Picture: YouTube/Screengrab

Published Apr 24, 2019


Two members of IOL's "Game of Thrones" review panel gives us insight into just how differently each fan experiences each episode. 

While Yaaseen Barnes paid attention to hijacked conversations and "sexy eyes", Ayesha Abrahams caught feelings of impending doom and a potential love pact.

This is what they had to say about season 8, episode 2...

Yaaseen Barnes: Cape Town comedian and giver of weird names

So Sansa and Denise (Daenarys) are now brasse[friends]. They spoke about how they shouldn't be fighting each other and work together. The entire conversation was so weird ... I think they were talking about clothing also at one point. 

Most of season 8's episode 2 was basically people walking in other people's conversations. Whenever someone was talking, another character or characters came to join the conversation. Like Tormund, the guy with the red hair, was making eyes because he wanted to eat some Breyani (Brienne), which was very awkward. Breyani was also knighted, and I think it was the first time we actually saw her smile.

 And then there was Arya, who is now 18, hooking up with Greenery (Gendry).  But for me, the main part, was when Jon Snow told Denise who he really is, and was she was all 'no, it's not true' and your best friend brother's lying. How can you believe them?'. I think she's going to catch a pain when he must be king and she will have to give up her power. But knowing Jon, he will probably let her keep some of it as his second.

The white walkers also rocked up, so sh*ts about to get interesting.

Ayesha on the other hand thought episode 2 was a real tear-jerker as old feuds were laid to rest...

No heads went rolling in the second episode of "Game of Thrones" final season, but you’re probably made of stone if you didn’t tear up for this one. As the living prepare to face The Night King’s army, old feuds are laid to rest, new truths are revealed, and history is made as Brienne becomes the first female knight of the Seven Kingdoms.

Dany and Sansa have a heart-to-heart and Bran forgives Jaime for crippling him years ago - there’s no time for petty squabbles in this war.

Even though things look bleak, they discuss tactics and battle plans. 

Arya also impresses Gendry with her knife-throwing skills and a girl who is no-one finally loses her virginity. We also learn that Dany values Jon’s opinion and probably only forgives Jaime because she’s swayed by him. 

A few warriors share a drink around the fire and reminisce on battles gone by. Tormund provides some comic relief with his bizarre, yet entertaining, ‘giant’s milk’ story. And Brienne, whose bravery and loyalty has sometimes bordered on ridiculous, kneels before Jaime to become a knight. When Ser Brienne arose with tears in her eyes, my heart went out to Tormund. Even with two hands, there’s no way he can compete with the Kingslayer now. 

Towards the end, Jon reveals his true identity to Dany, but The Dead advance on Winterfell and there’s no time to process the information.

With a death toll of zero for episode two, this week’s instalment is a quiet moment before the inevitable bloodbath. If I’m perfectly honest, at this point I don’t even care who wins the Iron Throne, just as long as Brienne and Jaime end up together – I’m going to send one strongly-worded email if they’re not married by the end of all this.

 Where to watch "Game of Thrones" 

Watch it on Mondays at 3am on (repeat at 10pm) on M-Net, or straight after with the   DStv Now app  . 

You can also binge-watch all previous seasons of  "Game of Thrones" on Showmax. Sign up for a 14-day free trial at  Showmax.com

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