Members accuse the IFP of double standards over the lifting of some councillor suspensions

IFP is accused of unequal treatment of members

IFP is accused of unequal treatment of members

Published Feb 10, 2022


DURBAN - The IFP has been accused by some members of double standards after certain councillors’ suspensions were lifted and not others.

Those who were suspended for bringing the party into disrepute were reacting to the appointment of Nhlanhla Hadebe as Member of Parliament (MP). Hadebe was serving a two-year suspension alongside other disgruntled members.

The IFP announced Hadebe’s appointment alongside IFP youth brigade deputy national chairperson Sanele Zondo on Tuesday.

A member, who wished to remain anonymous, said they viewed the party’s action as a divide and rule strategy and unfair.

“We are disturbed by this action. We do not understand why, out of 42 members who were found guilty and sentenced to two-year suspensions, the party felt it should pardon one member and leave others in the cold,” said the member.

He added that the party’s action vindicated their long-held view that their suspension was to prevent them from participating in the local government election because they supported president Velenkosini Hlabisa, adding that it was the party’s plan to weaken Hlabisa’s camp ahead of the 2024 elective conference.

“Our suspension will end in August 2023, so you will realise that it was strategically designed to prevent us from participating in the processes leading to the 2024 conference.”

IFP national spokesperson Mkhuleko Hlengwa dismissed the members’ accusation, saying the suspension of each member was subject to review as and when it is necessary, and among others, the party will consider behaviour and contrition.

Daily News

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