Women less credible than men when expressing anger – study

Published Oct 29, 2015


Rose Troup Buchanan

The Independent

LONDON: Women who express anger lose influence over their peers, while men who express themselves similarly gain sway, new research claims.

The Arizona State University study, published in the journal Law and Human Behaviour, examined 210 participants’ interactions in a computer simulation of a jury.

Each person, who believed they were speaking to five other individuals, was asked to deliver a verdict at the beginning and end of the experiment. They had their verdict challenged by a scripted character, who was given either an obviously male or female name.

“We found that when men expressed their opinion with anger, participants rated them as more credible, which made them less confident in their own opinion,” said Jessica Salerno, co-author of the study.

“But when women expressed identical arguments and anger, they were perceived as more emotional, which made participants more confident in their own opinion.”

It went on to say individuals “became significantly more confident in their original verdicts after female holdouts expressed anger, even though they were expressing the exact same opinion and emotion as the male holdouts”.

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