WATCH: A bricklayer takes no chances with sunburn

Published Jul 9, 2019


Cape Town – Even bricklayers seemingly heed all the advice on sun protection.

This bricklayer clearly has taken seriously articles highlighting that visible signs of ageing from sun damage can start as early as your twenties. 

While one may choose to ignore it in your youth, experts say from your mid-thirties there will be incontrovertible evidence whether you have spent too much time in harsh sunlight or not. It can scar you for life, though a certain dose of vitamin D is naturally good for our health.

The earlier you start with sun protection, the better your chances of looking younger for longer, but lotion is obviously a less taxing antidote to sunlight than an umbrella of this size. Though, of course, one can never be too safe.

Studies have shown that repeated unprotected ultraviolet exposure, even for short periods at a time, breaks down collagen. 

To make matters worse, as we age, collagen production in the skin decreases and the combined effect of sun and age has a detrimental effect on our skin.

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