The spice of life from sunny Seville

Published Apr 5, 2013


Terri Dunbar-Curran

TRAVELLING to the “Deep South” by way of the Main Road has, over the past few years, become a bit of an ordeal. The stop-go system has become a tedious way of life for those who tackle it every day and an annoyance for anyone else. So here’s an idea: instead of riding the clutch and grumbling as cars whiz past in the opposite direction, why not pull into a parking bay and head across to La Parada in Kalk Bay?

You’re bound to wile away more than the estimated 20 minutes you would have spent glaring at the car in front of you, but you’ll do it with a gorgeous view and some tasty morsels to ensure the rest of your journey is a happy one.

With chef Eva de Jesús Galán at the helm, La Parada offers authentic Spanish tapas from the Seville region. You’ll be greeted by dangling Serrano hams cured by Lucas Jamon. Perch at a high table and order a drink while you peruse the chalk board menu that dominates one wall.

The tapas come in two portion sizes, so you can happily sample your way through everything and then order a larger helping of your favourite. Or you can tuck into a little of everything with friends.

There’s plenty to keep seafood fundis begging for more. Try the fresh ensaladilla (prawn salad), the seafood paella, or nibble your way through the pulpo a la gallega (octopus with potato) or calamares en salsa verde (calamari with salsa).

Get your dining experience off to a pleasant start with the pimientos asodos (red and green peppers) and then devour a tasty tortilla Espanola (Spanish omelette) or two. The spicy steak (montadito solomillo mojo picon) is also a winner – tender and flavourful. Make sure you leave room for the delectable croquetas de jamon (ham croquettes). They are incredibly moreish with their smooth creamy centres encased in a crispy shell.

If, by the time you’ve eaten your way through the tapas menu, you still have space for more, turn your attention to the selection of mains which promises dishes like grilled lamb with honey mustard, garlic, rosemary and poor man’s potatoes, and paprika calamari.

Huge windows look out over the harbour and a strategically placed mirror means you can admire the view no matter which way you’re facing. La Parada is a cheerful place to spend an afternoon as the sunlight plays over exposed brick walls. At night it transforms into a vibey place to catch up with friends as the festivities spill out onto the pavement.

It’s telling that the solitary item on the dessert menu is arroz con leche (rice pudding), and also that no matter how full everyone was at the official launch, people were eyeing the kitchen greedily for the arrival of the sweet dish.

Light and creamy, the pudding has a pleasant zestiness that rolls gently over the tongue. It’s definitely worth saving space for, because you’ll want more than one helping.

l La Parada does not take reservations. Call 021 788 3992.

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