The Apple Watch is about beauty first

Published Sep 10, 2014


As Apple CEO Tim Cook prepared to walk onstage for last night's keynote presentation in Cupertino, California, he would have known a lot was riding on the launch of the new Apple Watch and the latest iPhones. APPLE’s iPhone 6 is remarkably slim - just 6.9mm thick for the smaller model, 7.1mm for the bigger. In the hand it feels preposterously slim and light - both of which will matter if you have smaller hands.

The new processor, Apple claims, will give better battery life, something Apple users have been crying out for. The new phones go on sale on September 19 .

Apple hasn't increased the pixel count on the iPhone 6 camera, and it lacks the 4K video recording of rivals. It's still tremendous-looking but arguably not cutting edge.

Apple Pay promises to change how you shop. In demonstrations it was fast and painless, making it likely we'll buy a lot more lattes. You can add your credit card to the PassBook application and use the phone while your card stays in your pocket. The card details are kept in a new “Secure Element” which keeps the card safe.

Apple CEO Tim Cook also revealed the company's latest gadget, the Apple Watch.

“I am so excited and I am so proud to share it with you this morning,” he said. “Apple Watch is the most personal device we've ever created.”

This is unashamedly a fashion gizmo, designed with gleaming styling and high-end materials. Its square-with-rounded-corners display is familiar to Apple products and the screen is bright and pin-sharp. It works as a fitness tracker, message notifier, navigation device and more. The watch can vibrate to give feedback to its wearer and can even be used to send the wearer's heartbeat to another person. Tells the time, too.

Other smart watches have been geeky and unattractive but Apple has aimed for beauty first, tech second. Unlike previous gadgets it comes in multiple looks using six straps in different materials to the coloured metal finishes. The side-mounted crown - which Mr Cook compared to the invention of the mouse - is used to zoom screen images in and out, scroll through lists and more while rear sensors provide pulse measurement and inductive charging.

* The rock band U2 announced at the Apple event that they are giving away their next album free of charge to the 500 million iTunes users. The album will be released to everyone else in October.

The Independent

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