Review: The Invisible Guardian

Published Jul 21, 2015



Dolores Redondo


Set in the Basque country in and around Pamplona, The Invisible Guardian is a novel on many levels: reality, superstition and the demons that come back to trouble a detective – the competent and well-trained inspector Amaia Salazar. The series of murders, all young girls, has no logical explanation… a bear?

Or is it a basajaun or gentleman of the forest? A spectre? The mother come back to haunt her? A jealous sister? You become quite certain who is responsible for the deaths, but you may find you are wrong before you get to a tidy ending. Well, almost tidy!

The supernatural is just an underlying presence in a very real and complex thriller; jealousies and love, and the question marks against the young and not altogether innocent. Redondo will keep you hooked.

– Shirley de Kock Gueller

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