New Daily Show host Noah warms up at Fringe.

Trevor Noah on the Daily show

Trevor Noah on the Daily show

Published Sep 6, 2015


The Independent says: “Some material has the whiff of inauthenticity about it – racist though some citizens of Kentucky may be, I suspect they don’t attend attend his shows, but (Trevor) Noah is an assured entertainer and shows his original calling as an actor with an impressive array of accents in telling his stories. This is a tight and slickly performed hour of comedy.”

The Telegraph: “Noah showed real charm, poise and lightness of touch in critiqueing the most shocking and absurd parts of American and global politics in an hour of smart, polished comedy, which bodes extremely well for the future of the beloved Daily Show.”

The Times: “He’s still a master of drilling into cultural boundaries and a chameleon when it comes to climbing into different mindsets and accents. However, he’s not quite on sizzling form… This was more like an A-minus game: solid but not sensational.”

Others like pr@Andytaylor100 say: “Fantastic performance by @Trevornoah tonight in Edinburgh. Somebody should sign this guy up ;-)” The Independent

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