Men are the inferior sex behind the wheel, says study

File photo: African News Agency (ANA)

File photo: African News Agency (ANA)

Published Aug 29, 2018


Male chauvinists fond of criticising women drivers may be forced into a U-turn by new research that indicates it is men who are the inferior sex behind the wheel.

The study examined insurance, crime and driving test statistics – and women came out on top in almost every metric. 

The research, by price comparison site, revealed women take marginally longer to learn to drive but commit fewer motoring offences, are far less likely to be involved in an accident, and cost insurers less when they make claims.

The study also found men are almost four times as likely to commit a motoring offence than women.

Men dominate across the board when you look at the most common offences, according to the study.

In total, more than 585 000 drivers in England and Wales were taken to court for breaking the law on the road in 2017, of which 79 percent were men. 

Men were found to outnumber women five to one when it came to drink-driving offences, and two to one for driving without tax or insurance. – The Independent

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