WHEN a young man living on the impoverished Cape Flats in the 1960s is arrested for a petty crime he finds himself surviving his stay in prison by telling stories in Noem My Skollie, which opens at cinemas today.
Four teenagers form a gang to protect themselves from bullying and attacks, but they soon find themselves heading down a spiral into the dangerous world of gangsterism. On his eventual release from prison, Abraham begins to write his stories down and pursues a relationship with his childhood sweetheart. But it isn’t long before his fellow gang members get him involved in the murder of taxi driver which could seem them face the death penalty.
Directed by Daryne Joshua, the film is based on the true story of scriptwriter John W Fredericks. It features Dann Jaques Mouton as Abraham, alongside Sandi Schutz, Gantane Kusch, Austin Rose, Peter Butler, Hemelbesem, Oscar Peterson and Tarryn Wyngaard.
The film made history last month when it was the first feature film in South Africa to premiere at a maximum security prison – Pollsmoor. An audience of about 150 people, including wardens, inmates from the Arts and Culture group and invited guests from Nicro and Artscape attended.
Noem My Skollie will be screened at Ster-Kinekor Tygervally, Somerset Mall, V&A Nouveau, Parow, Promenade Mall and Garden Route Mall in George; Nu Metro Canal Walk; and the Labia in Orange Street. – Staff Writer
l www.facebook.com/NoemMySkollieFilm