Gugulethu traditional dance and music youngsters to compete in France

Youngsters from the Isakhono se Sizwe Arts Project in Gugulethu.

Youngsters from the Isakhono se Sizwe Arts Project in Gugulethu.

Published Dec 6, 2021


Cape Town - Five youngsters from the Isakhono se Sizwe Arts Project in Gugulethu have scored an opportunity to showcase their cultural dance and music skills at the Choregies Festival in France next year June.

For Bophelo Molelle (10), Ntlantla Thafeni (12), Mlungisi Xhayimpi (10), Namhla Tyheli (12), and Sanelisiwe Fokotho (13), the prospect of travelling to France still feels surreal.

They are currently preparing for the moment of their lifetime and are determined to outwit the competition with their African inspired traditional and contemporary township dances and songs.

Isakhono se Sizwe Project co-founder Bantu Ndika said they were made aware of the opportunity following the return of their sister organisation from a competition in Sweden.

“The kids are excited, as to them, this will potentially be the first time they will be travelling out of the country. We are planning to forge a working relation with the organisers of the festival so that we are able to send another five kids on the next round.

“I believe they are ready as we have been doing this for long and we have recently been performing including Artscape and other theatres”.

“While this might be overwhelming, this opportunity means a lot to them and the community because they are would not only represent Gugulethu or province but also the entire country.

“There are rare opportunities for young kids from disadvantaged areas that are able to travel abroad for starters, and when such an opportunity presents itself, it's important that we make all means necessary to fulfil their dream,” he said.

Ndika said the kids would be in France for five days, competing in three rounds leading up to the final. He said they were currently looking for financial contribution as the project is currently not funded.

“We are currently looking to raise funds for their return flights and accommodation. We currently do not have a targeted amount that we are currently seeking to raise, but we believe that we have ample time to raise funds with the initiatives we have embarked on,” he said.

Sanelisiwe Fokotho said they were looking forward to the competition and were determined to win and inspire their peers.

To make contribution to the project and fulfil the dreams of these youngsters, you can contact Bantu Ndika at 0613354007.

[email protected]

Cape Argus

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