Kolisi Foundation launches nationwide drive to collect thousands of blankets

The Kolisi Foundation has launched a national blanket drive in partnership with a local storage company to collect thousands of blankets over the coming weeks. Picture: Kolisi Foundation/Facebook

The Kolisi Foundation has launched a national blanket drive in partnership with a local storage company to collect thousands of blankets over the coming weeks. Picture: Kolisi Foundation/Facebook

Published May 10, 2021


Cape Town - To help spread the warmth this winter, the Kolisi Foundation has launched a national blanket drive in partnership with a local storage company to collect thousands of blankets over the coming weeks.

Residents are encouraged to donate blankets at any of the Stor-Age facilities in Cape Town until May 19. The blankets will be distributed in disadvantaged communities across the country during June and July.

Stor-Age communications head Rob Baird said an assessment was under way to determine where the blankets were needed most.

Rachel Kolisi, foundation co-founder and wife of Springbok captain Siya Kolisi, said it was incredible to see how organisations like Stor-Age mobilised their resources and express generosity through efforts such as the blanket drive.

“We look forward to seeing how this partnership continues to develop and will aid in alleviating extreme poverty, mentoring youth and promoting equality in South Africa through collaborative efforts like this blanket drive.”

Blanket Drive Together with Stor-Age we are running a blanket drive across South Africa. Information: 5-19 May...

Posted by Kolisi Foundation onWednesday, 5 May 2021

Stor-Age spokesperson Chris Oosthuizen said they have worked with many non-profit organisations over the years and anticipated working with the Kolisi Foundation on various projects and community upliftment initiatives.

“As a thank you to everyone who is taking part in donating a blanket at one of our stores over the coming weeks, we will be offering a month of free self storage,” he said.

A donor, John Standley said: “When it comes to the cold days and nights around this time of year in Cape Town, we should be cognisant of how a small act of kindness can make the lives of those on the streets just a bit more bearable.”

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